Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Movie Review – Australia

Question: Describe about the movie Australia a historical review of the Australian culture before the Second World War? Answer: Introduction As this film is describing a historical review of the Australian culture before the Second World War, the movie also incorporates the concept of some moral values. The main discourse described in the movie is the value of simplicity in the human life. The Australian people are very well described in the movie and how people changes with the time, can be seen in the movie very well. Plots The narratives in the movie are used widely. The events in the movie dreaded frequently and historical analogy before the Second World War is used. The uses of the various historical analogies have been seen like invading of Poland by Hitler etc. The movie expressed the value of the reality how the problems can be generated by accepting the mystical powers. How the misuse of powers can create disturbances in the normal life of man. Various Australian symbols and references have been used in the movie. The culture before the second world war of the Australia has been presented so well in the movie that it creates a clear image about the Australian culture among the people. Characters The very famous actress Nicole Kidman has played a leading role in the movie. The language and the behavior presented by the leading actors of the movie really suit the need and requirement of the concept of the movie. The characters in the film have presented the real Australian nature and unity in the movie. The situation of Australia and the nature of people before the Second World War is clearly played by the characters. The characters seem to be so indulged in the role that it looked like a reality more than a movie. Discourses As described above, the movie moves around the value of the normal humanity than the misusing of mysterious power, like how mysterious power can create problems for the human. A little problem seemed in this part as this was not presented that well compared to the other parts of the movie. The dialogues were little successful in describing the values and morals in the movie but the symbols and settings of the characters were really not up to the satisfactory level. Cinematography Use of Camera in the movie can be rated 4 out of 5. There were few shots that can be taken more effectively but overall the presentation of camera is satisfactory. The selection of music throughout the movie is really awesome but there are also some scenes where the music does not suit the situation and is up to the satisfactory level. The selection of music can be more appropriate if researched well but overall the music is a little better than the satisfactory level. The techniques and the location used were really suiting the movie concept. Overall, cinematography can be rated more than the satisfactory level. Conclusion The movie Australia may not be that much successful on the box office but at the level of implementation of concept and presentation of the movie, it was really up to the satisfactory level. The use of cinematography and the role of actors really enhanced the glory of the movie.

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